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  • 2024/07/17


    New Features

    • Stripe payment gateway now supports configuring a Soft Descriptor allowing merchants to customize the descriptor shown on customer bank statements.
    • Theme Settings now supports configuring a page setting type allowing dashboard users to select a page to link to instead of needing to configure the page url manually.
    • Theme Settings now supports configuring a richtext field type for settings fields that expect to have formatted html text.
    • Fulfillments can now be exported through the Fulfillments overview report allowing merchants to work with their data externally.


    • The Subscription Payment Method update form now shows a warning to suggest to customers that their payment method is failing and needs to be updated.
    • The Theme Customize view now warns users when they have unsaved changes that won't be applied if they exit the view.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an edge case issue where it was possible to send a duplicate fulfillment request while there was an existing fulfillment request pending acceptance.
    • We've fixed an edge case issue with adding a dashboard user without first and last name failed to register with dashboard single sign-on.
    • We've corrected the order line items response to always include variant product titles.
    • We've corrected an edge case with saved settings not being set when re-installing a previously uninstalled app.
  • 2024/07/03

    Gift CardsDashboardThemesAppsReportsOrders

    New Features

    • Introducing a new Orders Summary widget providing a quick view of recent order activity to help monitor order KPIs.
    • Campaigns Upsell Create API now supports passing additional payment detail to specify a gateway or gateway group for more complex campaign flows.
    • Transaction reports now include a new Approval Rate metric to assist merchants in monitoring the rate payment attempts are approved as an indicator of gateway health.
    • Theme and App Settings now feature new html, css, and javascript settings types for code snippets users may want to include in their theme.
    • Meta Pixel app now features a logs of server side events to assist in monitoring and troubleshooting any issues.
    • Order Exports now feature COGS values for both order total COGS and order line items for viewing and working with COGS data externally.
    • Disputes now feature the ability to set a happened_at date allowing external service providers to more accurately set the dispute date in the past when the dispute actually happened.
    • Gift Cards can now be sold through "Gift Card Products" on the storefront and APIs enabling merchants to sell gift cards to customers as part of promotional offers.


    • Order Address update actions now create events with improved details for more consistency with order events and actions.
    • We've improved the UX of order line items that are related to subscriptions and order editing actions so this detail is not missed in order management workflows.
    • Meta Pixel app now fires events on the storefront for PageView, AddToCart, ViewContent, and InitiateCheckout.
    • We've updated Stripe 3DS flow to favor the frictionless when possible to reduce friction in the payment flow.
    • We've now removed the coupon from from the storefront sidecart platform wide to focus the cart on getting customers to the checkout flow where coupon and gift card application is available.
    • We've now added Return Tracking information to Returns Exports which was previously not included.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an edge case issue with the storefront checkout flow that caused attribution metadata to be unnecessarily cleared.
    • We've fixed an edge case where it was possible to create a 500 error when passing an unparseable string to the phone number field on user API.
  • 2024/06/19

    FulfillmentSubscriptionsAdmin APIPaymentsWebhooks

    New Features

    • Introducing server-side Meta Conversion API integration to connect your orders to your Meta advertising campaigns for orders created on the storefront checkout flow and Admin API.
    • Subscriptions that fail renewal will now automatically send an email to the customer with a one-click link to update their payment method for an automated subscription recovery flow.
    • The Admin Add Line Items API now supports passing a payment gateway or payment gateway group to override the initial payment gateway used for the order for deeper payment orchestration in the order flow.
    • Gift Cards can now be created and retrieved through the Admin API allowing deeper customized flows to create Gift Cards for customers.
    • External applications can now subscribe to fulfillment activity through the fulfillment.created and fulfillment.updated webhooks to be updated when new fulfillments are created and as their delivery statuses are updated.
    • The Transactions Admin API now includes a new external_id property as a reference to the external payment provider's ID for the payment, also includes support to filter by external_id.


    • Product detail view queries have been improved resulting in faster load times for products in the storefront.
    • We've added a new Disputes by Resolution report to help merchants better understand their dispute outcomes.
    • The product creation flow UX has some slight improvements to reduce clicks and form validation errors.
    • Test subscriptions now don't auto-renew themselves to prevent cases where test subscriptions continuously create new orders forever.
    • Storefront theme file settings can now be cleared to support cases where you no longer want to utilize the setting.
    • It is now possible to send non-public shipping method IDs on the Admin API to prevent accidental validation errors caused by making a shipping method private.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed a rare edge case issue where it was possible to create an order with the end result not matching the intended quantity.
    • Fixed an issue with the querystrings when using All Time date range that prevented reports from loading.
  • 2024/06/05


    New Features

    • New customer notifications have been added when orders are Out for Delivery and Delivered to keep customers updated on their shipment statuses. This is supported for stores with Delivery Tracking app installed. 
    • Theme settings now feature a live preview to see your changes while you edit, to make the storefront theme editing experience more intuitive and interactive for users.
    • Product cost per item can now be added to calculate COGS on orders so that merchants can integrate their raw costs into external services to track ROI.


    • Shipping carrier names have been improved system-wide to display more friendly names.
    • FirstMile has been added as a core fulfillment carrier with mapping support from Shipstation to map to external services such as PayPal and Delivery Tracking.
    • 4PX has been added as a core fulfillment carrier with mapping support from Shipstation to map to external services such as PayPal and Delivery Tracking.
    • Product SKUs are now shown on the order detail view to more easily surface exactly which product SKU has been purchased by the customer.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where we ocassionally get multiple delivered events from providers and create multiple fulfillment delivered events.
    • Fixed a UI issue when creating offers when using the Discount is a fixed amount off of the product's value incentive.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the order confirmation email not to be sent if the order was completely digital.
  • 2024/05/22


    New Features

    • Introducing a new suite of Dispute Reports to summarize disputes across gateways, card types, and card issuers, to increase visibility and monitoring for merchants.


    • 3PL Central App now features logs of API requests to assist merchants in troubleshooting order fulfillments when sent to their integrated fulfillment locations.
    • The timestamp has been removed from order confirmation notifications to reduce confusion when customers are not in the same timezone as the store.
    • We've improved Redirects settings to prevent users from accidentally creating issues with accessing the dashboard or Admin APIs due to redirect misconfigurations.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an issue with report filters not working properly with report pagination.
    • We've fixed an issue with theme template tag formatting potentially causing a 500 error when it shouldn't have.