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  • Storefront API
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  • Themes
  • Webhooks
  • 2024/06/19

    FulfillmentSubscriptionsAdmin APIPaymentsWebhooks

    New Features

    • Introducing server-side Meta Conversion API integration to connect your orders to your Meta advertising campaigns for orders created on the storefront checkout flow and Admin API.
    • Subscriptions that fail renewal will now automatically send an email to the customer with a one-click link to update their payment method for an automated subscription recovery flow.
    • The Admin Add Line Items API now supports passing a payment gateway or payment gateway group to override the initial payment gateway used for the order for deeper payment orchestration in the order flow.
    • Gift Cards can now be created and retrieved through the Admin API allowing deeper customized flows to create Gift Cards for customers.
    • External applications can now subscribe to fulfillment activity through the fulfillment.created and fulfillment.updated webhooks to be updated when new fulfillments are created and as their delivery statuses are updated.
    • The Transactions Admin API now includes a new external_id property as a reference to the external payment provider's ID for the payment, also includes support to filter by external_id.


    • Product detail view queries have been improved resulting in faster load times for products in the storefront.
    • We've added a new Disputes by Resolution report to help merchants better understand their dispute outcomes.
    • The product creation flow UX has some slight improvements to reduce clicks and form validation errors.
    • Test subscriptions now don't auto-renew themselves to prevent cases where test subscriptions continuously create new orders forever.
    • Storefront theme file settings can now be cleared to support cases where you no longer want to utilize the setting.
    • It is now possible to send non-public shipping method IDs on the Admin API to prevent accidental validation errors caused by making a shipping method private.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed a rare edge case issue where it was possible to create an order with the end result not matching the intended quantity.
    • Fixed an issue with the querystrings when using All Time date range that prevented reports from loading.
  • 2024/05/08

    FulfillmentDashboardAdmin APIThemesStorefront

    New Features

    • Introducing 3PL Central as a new fully integrated Fulfillment Sevice App allowing merchants to automate their fulfillment flow with warehouse providers using 3PL Central WMS. 
    • Developers can now subscribe to webhook events for gateway.created and gateway.updated to stay up to date with store payment gateway configuration changes.
    • Customer Accounts now have a new setting to disable Support Ticketing for merchants that don't use our internal ticketing functionality.


    • Theme developers now have the ability to create settings for Product Categories that can be used to dynamically populate storefront theme templates.
    • The Dashboard Create Order form now follows the cart max items setting so it's consistent with the storefront when adding products an order.
    • We've now added YunExpress as a core fulfillment carrier and also now automatically detect and map YunExpress tracking codes through the ShipStation app.
    • It's now possible to pass multiple stockrecords when creating a product to simplify the workflow of external systems creating products in a store catalogue.
    • We've improved the logic and process of notification to Fulfillment Service Apps when they have many new fulfillments available waiting to be accepted.
    • The partner_transaction_id field has been removed from the Admin API to improve clarity for external API data consumers.
    • We refactored the customer selection and creation UI on Gift Cards to follow the Create Order UI for UX consistency.
    • Product structure has been removed from the Admin API for increased clarity.
    • We've improved thumbnail generation and handling for Campaigns App to support images with transparent backgrounds.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue in the storefront checkout flow where the customer email address field disappeared when navigating back to the information step from the payment step.
    • Fixed an issue with duplicate product categories causing a 500 error instead of a standard validation error.
    • Fixed an edge case that prevented parent products that have variants from being able to be deleted.
    • Fixed an edge case where decline throttle settings did not work properly if a payment gateway was not active.
    • Fixed an issue where the customer's first address added through the Dashboard was not set as the default shipping and billing address.
  • 2024/02/29

    FulfillmentCheckoutAdmin APIThemesPaymentsSettings

    New Features

    • Introducing support for AirWallex, a new payment gateway for bankcard payments specializing in cross-border payments around the world.
    • Tracked shipment events can now be uploaded to a new Fulfillment Events API that broadens order life-cycle tracking and reporting capabilities all the way to delivery.
    • Theme developers can now query store objects with a more flexible and powerful where template tag that allows object types, lookup expressions, and variables to passed into.
    • Merchants can now configure storefront Customer Accounts to enable or restrict customers from self-managing their subscription next renewal dates or recurring schedule. 
    • The storefront checkout flow now has a more optimized flow for digital only orders that do not require shipping addresses or shipping methods.


    • Email sending domain setup flow has been simplified and improved to ease the setup of new email sending domains.
    • Subscription action modals have been updated to be standard modals for improved UX and consistency.
    • Campaigns App now uses the latest Admin API version 2024-04-01 for all of its interaction with the store platform when creating orders.
    • We now track events on subscriptions when the associated payment method is updated by the customer in their storefront account.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a few edge cases with Campaigns API rate limiting to improve rate limit handling while under attack.
    • Fixed a typo in store API for correctness.
    • Fixed an issue with cloning campaigns to always select the proper gateway group.
  • 2024/02/14

    CampaignsAdmin APISettingsProductsOrders

    New Features

    • We've now released a new Admin API version, 2024-04-01, which has much improved schemas for better performance and consistency.
    • Duplicate orders are now detected and blocked to prevent customers from accidentally creating multiple orders with the same products within a short timeframe.
    • Admin API reference documentation now features the capability to send example requests to quickly test API requests/responses.


    • Test orders no longer impact product inventory counts to improve product inventory tracking.
    • Storefront asset uploading has been significantly improved from a UX perspective to be more intuitive.
    • Fulfillment event timeline details now include tracking information to surface shipment tracking information within the context of order history for more clarity.
    • Product titles shown in Campaigns app are now automatically updated when the source product is updated to keep these in sync.
    • Campaign API users can now pass a language in the user object to override the campaign default language if selling in multiple languages.
    • Store domains now have improved validation to prevent invalid domains from being added to stores.

    Bug Fixes

    • The list of available locations to move a product to has been fixed to not include deleted locations.
    • Returns export errors caused by unsafe handling of null values have now been fixed.
    • Edge case issues with Apple Pay default account country have been fixed.
    • Subscription list views and reports incorrectly offered sorting by total which has now been corrected.
  • 2024/02/01

    CampaignsAdmin APICustomersStorefrontWebhooks

    New Features

    • Storefront Accounts have been completely overhauled and moved into the core platform to improve customer UX and pave the path forward for deeper customer account features.
    • Subscription Line Items can now be managed from the Admin API enabling new integration possibilities.
    • Introducing Metadata APIs allowing external apps to register their Metadata Definitions on stores for metadata used in their integration.
    • Disputes resolution flows now offer the ability to register external refunds.
    • It is now possible to restock items back to inventory when creating a refund for an order.
    • Campaigns app now features improved failed payment handling for external redirect flows.
    • Webhook subscribers can now listen for store general configuration updates through the store.updated webhook.


    • Many major improvements have been integrated with the Admin API unstable version with improved performance, additional order reporting values, and consistency, see docs.
    • Store Payments Env key is now automatically saved during Campaigns App installation flow to reduce setup steps.
    • Customer IP Address is now sync'd to Klaviyo to power their profile location features to leverage a customer location in automation flows.
    • We've improved order refund and order adjustment tracking to improve the accuracy of order returns report values.
    • Order Returns can now be filtered by Products to easily find returns by product.
    • Orders can now be filtered by has_outstanding_balance to find orders that have outstanding owed refunds or require payment collection.
    • Core Attribution fields now all support a consistent 500 characters to match external attribution platform general best practices.
    • Maxmind App has been refactored to use the riskScore API instead of Insights to reduce costs.

    Bug Fixes

    • Images inserted into emails now save properly to the ticket so they can be seen by dashboard users.
    • Fixed an issue with saving the comment mode on support macros.
    • Fixed error message shown in the Partners App portal when creating a release for an S2S app without an app file.
    • Fixed an edge case issue with using a different billing address than shipping in the storefront checkout flow.
    • Fixed an edge case issue with campaign currencies blocking package creation.