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  • Admin API
  • Apps
  • Campaigns
  • Checkout
  • Customers
  • Dashboard
  • Disputes
  • Fulfillment
  • Gift Cards
  • Metadata
  • Notifications
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  • Orders
  • Payments
  • Products
  • Reports
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  • Storefront
  • Storefront API
  • Subscriptions
  • Support
  • Taxes
  • Themes
  • Webhooks
  • 2024/05/22


    New Features

    • Introducing a new suite of Dispute Reports to summarize disputes across gateways, card types, and card issuers, to increase visibility and monitoring for merchants.


    • 3PL Central App now features logs of API requests to assist merchants in troubleshooting order fulfillments when sent to their integrated fulfillment locations.
    • The timestamp has been removed from order confirmation notifications to reduce confusion when customers are not in the same timezone as the store.
    • We've improved Redirects settings to prevent users from accidentally creating issues with accessing the dashboard or Admin APIs due to redirect misconfigurations.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an issue with report filters not working properly with report pagination.
    • We've fixed an issue with theme template tag formatting potentially causing a 500 error when it shouldn't have.
  • 2024/04/10


    New Features

    • Fulfillment Events now show directly in the dashboard on the fulfillment order as a timeline for ease of tracking
    • Transaction reports now include summary metrics indicating the number of transactions that were disputed to help merchants have improved visibility into dispute sources.


    • Improved clarity of Transaction Statuses by removing legacy statuses that are no longer used or applicable.
    • Campaigns App API now accepts specifying the Gateway Group or Gateway directly in the API request to override the campaigns settings for more complex campaign flows.
    • Oauth App create flow in the dashboard has been improved for clarity to no longer require associating with a dashboard user.
    • Improved the Product selector for campaigns to improve support for stores with large product catalogs.
    • Fulfillment locations and fulfillment apps are now prevented from removal if the locations have active fulfillments in progress to protect against situations that could leave orders stuck in fulfillment processing status indefinitely.
    • Improved order refund events to stamp the Oauth App if created over the Admin API.
    • Campaigns API docs now support testing the campaign calls through the interactive console for faster exploration and testing.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with support macros duplicating the response text when using.
    • Fixed an edge case issue where it was possible to create a 500 error due to attempting to add the same customer to a block list multiple times.
    • Fixed an edge case issue with changing the fulfillment location when the order also has digital products.


  • 2024/1/4


    New Features

    • Store admins will now receive a notification if a payment gateway is rejecting transaction attempts, to more quickly surface potential gateway issues that require attention.
    • Webhooks product.created and product.updated events are now available to be subscribed to by external systems for monitoring products in a store, and to enable deeper integrations.


    • The background Paypal carrier tracking upload logic has been overhauled and improved to use a bulk upload API, and to upload tracking numbers for "other" shipping carriers that are not mapped.
    • The Campaigns API order response details now includes the order_status_url making it possible for campaigns to leverage the storefront order confirmation page and invoice views.
    • Disputes can now be filtered by the related gateway in the Dashboard and Admin API.
    • Google Pay accounts are now validated for their uniqness to prevent accidental adding duplicates.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with block counts on Block Lists not incrementing in all cases.
    • Fixed an edge case where a customer's IP address was not saved when the customer record was created through the storefront checkout flow.
  • 2023/12/13

    SettingsAdmin APIDisputesPayments

    New Features

    • Introducing a new Admin API to retrieve store information such as the public contact information, available languages, available currencies, and primary domain to open up new and deeper integration possibilities.
    • Custom external payment methods can now be created in the dashboard and used in the Checkout Flow and Admin API when creating a new order to support custom payment methods that dont have native integration.
    • Disputes now have new status accepted available, and now support adding notes to Disputes on the Admin API, enabling dispute integration providers to add notes.
    • Klaviyo App now supports setting a default email subscribe list, and uses remote dropdown lists for an improved user experience when configuring the App.


    • Braintree payment gateway now supports descriptor_name, descriptor_phone, and descriptor_url custom fields, enabling merchants to customize them.
    • Storefront themes have been updated to use the object meta title in the <title></title>.
    • Order invoices and store notifications now use the store legal name as it's more appropriate in these cases than the public store name.
    • Products Admin API now features a sku to enable searching for existing products by their SKU.
    • We've improved the Admin API and Checkout Flow to validate cases an attempt is made to create a 0.00 (free) initial order with a paid recurring subscription.
    • We've now remapped the NO_AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS error code from Bluesnap to 5007 as it means the merchant account has been disabled at Bluesnap.
    • Campaigns App now dynamically shows the available languages and currencies that are configured on the store for a tighter integration.
    • Campaigns App - improved the campaign edit view to set the campaign currency field as read-only, as it cannot be changed after it's been created.
    • Improved API integration to always provide the end customer ip_address and user_agent so these can be used for order and payment processing.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with initial declined payment re-attempts not being stamped as re-attemps when they fail.
    • Fixed an issue with product creation form field validation not showing properly when duplicate currencies exist.
    • Fixed an edge case with SKU validation when a product was converted from a stand alone to variant product.
    • Fixed an issue with Campaigns API that required the shipping address phone_number but allowed the field to be blank.
    • Fixed an issue with the Subscription Forecast report default subscription created date range, which is expected to be "All Time" with next renewal date range filters applied.
    • Fixed issues with order sub-affiliate reports including sub-affiliates and not properly filtering for the parent affiliate.
    • Fixed an edge case issue with campaign cloning when the browser default language converted price formats to use commas instead of decimal points.
  • 2023/11/22

    Admin APIPaymentsDisputes

    New Features

    • Store settings have been completely overhauled with a new layout, navigation and restructuring to ease store setup and configuration.


    • Orders can now be filtered by Is Disputed on the orders list view and order reports to only see orders that have disputes associated to them.
    • Subscription events have been refactored following our new events structure for all future events.
    • The transaction response message is now available in transaction exports which can be useful for gateway performance and decline analysis.
    • Domains that have become unverified with our backend email provider will now update their verification status shown in dashboard email sending domains.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with store timezone and date range filters sometimes showing inconsistent results on the Admin API.
    • Fixed a display issue with the Paypal app installed success notification.
    • Fixed an edge case issue with Apple Pay and translations not being able to apply correctly.
    • Fixed an issue with storefront user registrations not receiving their registration email.
    • Improved the customer list view to show an emdash when the customer is missing a first/last name.
    • Fixed an issue with non-public products showing in the cross-sale products in the storefront.
    • Fixed an edge case issue where it was possible to create a 500 error with rapid cart creation submissions for the same user.