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  • 2025/01/22


    New Features

    • Apps can now use storefront Event Tracking which brings the path for all existing apps to upgrade from App Snippets to Event Tracking.
    • Product image API has been improved to fully support syncing product images from external catalogues with the ability to set the display order and have endpoints for managing existing images.


    • All production databases have been updated to PostgreSQL 16, providing enhanced query performance, improved parallelism, and stronger security enhancements.
    • Fulfillment orders can now be marked as incomplete to handle scenarios where an entire fulfillment order could not be fully fulfilled with the assigned fulfillment location.
    • We've now implemented improved logic to prevent duplicate orders when using alternative payment methods that redirect externally.
    • Shop Sync app now properly handles partial fulfillment from Shopify in cases the order was not fully fulfilled.

    Bug Fixes

    • We fixed a performance issue related to store metrics on the accounts global dashboard.
    • We fixed an issue that caused email subject and content to not always be fully translated and localized to the customer's preferred language.
  • 2024/12/18

    Admin APIPaymentsProductsFulfillment

    New Features

    • Introducing Shop Sync, a new app to sync your products from Shopify to 29 Next, and to sync orders placed in 29 Next to Shopify for fulfillment.  
    • Inventory management is now easier with the ability to update inventories for all SKUs directly on the inventory list view within a single interface.


    • We've improved 3DS2 Optimized and our automated retry logic to reduce the number of false failed authentications on transactions reports, and we now retry additional decline reasons to improve payment acceptance rates in some cases.
    • We've now removed the PayPal Digital Products feature which was previously required when selling digital products with PayPal, reducing the complexity of configuring PayPal.
    • Products can now be set to a price of 0.00, essentially making them free products, which is desired in some merchant use-case scenarios.
    • The Top Selling Products widget on the Analytics dashboard now follows the Orders by Product report structure summarizing product sales by their parent instead of showing individual variants.
    • We've improved Offers discount rounding logic to be more predicatable following "round up half" logic.
    • The subscriptions summary table on the customer details view has been improved for more clear and consistent UX.
    • We've improved the public display of tax rates to customers in order confirmation pages, emails, and APIs.
    • Campaigns App logs are now localized to the store timezone.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've now fixed an issue where product reviews were improperly moved when converting a product from a stand-alone to variant product.
    • We've fixed an issue with sorting disputes by date range in 29 Next Payments UI views.
    • We've fixed an edge case where it was possible to create a 500 error on the products Admin API when not passing a Location ID.
    • We've fixed logic related to passing a customer's email address incorrectly on the customers Admin API.
    • We've fixed an issue that prevented users from removing a package's image in Campaigns App.
  • 2024/12/04

    OffersSubscriptionsAdmin APIFulfillment

    New Features

    • Introducing Tracking Events Beta, a new and improved way integrate external tracking systems with rich customer behavior event data on your storefront. Full documentation and demos coming soon.
    • Subscriptions Admin API now has a new SubscriptionRetryCreate endpoint enabling external systems to trigger a renewal payment attempt when a subscription is failing renewal.
    • Subscription transactions can now be retreived through the SubscriptionsTransactionsList Admin API endpoint to assist external systems to analyze all transactions related to an individual subscription.


    • Offer subscription discount logic has been overhauled and improved for more clarity on the scenarios of applying a discount on an initial order and/or the renewal orders.
    • The current logged in user is now shown in the checkout flow for improved customer UX.
    • Delivery Tracking integration now ignores events received after the shipment was initially confirmed as delivered to prevent edge cases where shipments were initially delivered and then changed back to In Transit status.
    • Fulfillment order line items now include tax lines to support tax data flowing through to fulfillment service providers importing orders.

    Bugs Fixed

    • We've fixed an issue with the Products Admin API that caused an error when sending an empty category to Products Admin API.
    • We fixed an edge case that allowed invalid interval values to be passed in storefront themes that caused a 500 error.
  • 2024/07/31

    SubscriptionsAdmin APIPaymentsFulfillment

    New Features

    • Introducing Paysafe as a new payment gateway integration for merchant transaction processing.
    • We're excited to announce the addition of Account Updater, providing automatic bankcard information updates for subscriptions to increase retention rates and recurring transaction approval rates.
    • Merchants using 29 Next Payments will now receive a notification when a payout transfer has been initiated.


    • We've improved fulfillment routing logic to minimize split fulfillment scenarios when adding upsell items to an order ensuring all items are routed to the same fulfillment location.
    • Dispute events have been refactored and improved with more granular detail and a more consistent UX with our order and customer events.
    • Subscription status and gateway filters have been improved to support filtering by multiple statuses/gateways to simplify more complex query and filtering scenarios.


    • We've fixed an issue and improved all dashboard analytics charts to use the local timezone of the store to prevent these from being out of sync.
    • We've fixed an edge-case scenario with Stripe and reconnecting an account through the Stripe Oauth flow.
    • We've fixed an issue with deleting payment gateway groups even if all gateways have been removed.
  • 2024/07/17


    New Features

    • Stripe payment gateway now supports configuring a Soft Descriptor allowing merchants to customize the descriptor shown on customer bank statements.
    • Theme Settings now supports configuring a page setting type allowing dashboard users to select a page to link to instead of needing to configure the page url manually.
    • Theme Settings now supports configuring a richtext field type for settings fields that expect to have formatted html text.
    • Fulfillments can now be exported through the Fulfillments overview report allowing merchants to work with their data externally.


    • The Subscription Payment Method update form now shows a warning to suggest to customers that their payment method is failing and needs to be updated.
    • The Theme Customize view now warns users when they have unsaved changes that won't be applied if they exit the view.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an edge case issue where it was possible to send a duplicate fulfillment request while there was an existing fulfillment request pending acceptance.
    • We've fixed an edge case issue with adding a dashboard user without first and last name failed to register with dashboard single sign-on.
    • We've corrected the order line items response to always include variant product titles.
    • We've corrected an edge case with saved settings not being set when re-installing a previously uninstalled app.