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  • 2024/07/03

    Gift CardsDashboardThemesAppsReportsOrders

    New Features

    • Introducing a new Orders Summary widget providing a quick view of recent order activity to help monitor order KPIs.
    • Campaigns Upsell Create API now supports passing additional payment detail to specify a gateway or gateway group for more complex campaign flows.
    • Transaction reports now include a new Approval Rate metric to assist merchants in monitoring the rate payment attempts are approved as an indicator of gateway health.
    • Theme and App Settings now feature new html, css, and javascript settings types for code snippets users may want to include in their theme.
    • Meta Pixel app now features a logs of server side events to assist in monitoring and troubleshooting any issues.
    • Order Exports now feature COGS values for both order total COGS and order line items for viewing and working with COGS data externally.
    • Disputes now feature the ability to set a happened_at date allowing external service providers to more accurately set the dispute date in the past when the dispute actually happened.
    • Gift Cards can now be sold through "Gift Card Products" on the storefront and APIs enabling merchants to sell gift cards to customers as part of promotional offers.


    • Order Address update actions now create events with improved details for more consistency with order events and actions.
    • We've improved the UX of order line items that are related to subscriptions and order editing actions so this detail is not missed in order management workflows.
    • Meta Pixel app now fires events on the storefront for PageView, AddToCart, ViewContent, and InitiateCheckout.
    • We've updated Stripe 3DS flow to favor the frictionless when possible to reduce friction in the payment flow.
    • We've now removed the coupon from from the storefront sidecart platform wide to focus the cart on getting customers to the checkout flow where coupon and gift card application is available.
    • We've now added Return Tracking information to Returns Exports which was previously not included.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an edge case issue with the storefront checkout flow that caused attribution metadata to be unnecessarily cleared.
    • We've fixed an edge case where it was possible to create a 500 error when passing an unparseable string to the phone number field on user API.
  • 2023/12/20

    SettingsPaymentsGift Cards

    New Features

    • Introducing Adyen, a new payment gateway for bankcard payments.
    • Merchants can now create Gift Cards to offer customers store credit to use for future purchases on their store.


    • Store Localization settings have been significantly improved with drag-and-drop functionality to simplify the setup and prioritization of storefront geos, languages, and currencies.
    • The Order Detail view now always shows alerts when there is an associated ticket or dispute, to assist customer service users in their workflows.
    • Stripe Payment Intents is now the preferred Stripe gateway, with the legacy Stripe gateway now removed from the list of available gateways.
    • Webhook failing notifications have been improved to notify all store admins to increase the observability potential issues with external integrations leveraging webhooks.
    • The test gateway is now limited to one per store to reduce unnecessaary test gateways from being created.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with failing input field validations when creating a product.
    • Fixed an issue with customer exports not applying the current list view filters for the exported data.
    • Fixed an issue with Transaction Detail views showing a link to a non-existing order due to failed a payment attempt.
    • Fixed an edge case with Admin API shipping method validation for the Paypal one-click flow.