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  • 2024/07/03

    Gift CardsDashboardThemesAppsReportsOrders

    New Features

    • Introducing a new Orders Summary widget providing a quick view of recent order activity to help monitor order KPIs.
    • Campaigns Upsell Create API now supports passing additional payment detail to specify a gateway or gateway group for more complex campaign flows.
    • Transaction reports now include a new Approval Rate metric to assist merchants in monitoring the rate payment attempts are approved as an indicator of gateway health.
    • Theme and App Settings now feature new html, css, and javascript settings types for code snippets users may want to include in their theme.
    • Meta Pixel app now features a logs of server side events to assist in monitoring and troubleshooting any issues.
    • Order Exports now feature COGS values for both order total COGS and order line items for viewing and working with COGS data externally.
    • Disputes now feature the ability to set a happened_at date allowing external service providers to more accurately set the dispute date in the past when the dispute actually happened.
    • Gift Cards can now be sold through "Gift Card Products" on the storefront and APIs enabling merchants to sell gift cards to customers as part of promotional offers.


    • Order Address update actions now create events with improved details for more consistency with order events and actions.
    • We've improved the UX of order line items that are related to subscriptions and order editing actions so this detail is not missed in order management workflows.
    • Meta Pixel app now fires events on the storefront for PageView, AddToCart, ViewContent, and InitiateCheckout.
    • We've updated Stripe 3DS flow to favor the frictionless when possible to reduce friction in the payment flow.
    • We've now removed the coupon from from the storefront sidecart platform wide to focus the cart on getting customers to the checkout flow where coupon and gift card application is available.
    • We've now added Return Tracking information to Returns Exports which was previously not included.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an edge case issue with the storefront checkout flow that caused attribution metadata to be unnecessarily cleared.
    • We've fixed an edge case where it was possible to create a 500 error when passing an unparseable string to the phone number field on user API.
  • 2024/04/24


    New Features

    • Introducing a new suite of Fulfillment Reports to assist in monitoring and analyzing order fulfillment activity across your fulfillment locations, carriers, and destination countries.


    • Adjusted one-time "straight sale" orders to be included in results when using the Subscription lifecycle "Non-Recurring" filter.

    Bugs Fixed

    • Fixed many small issues with the storefront navigation menu editor to improve overall user experience.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented creating a subscription if the currency was not included in the store's default gateway group.
    • Fixed a display issue in the order metadata UI when no definition had been created for existing metadata.
  • 2024/04/10


    New Features

    • Fulfillment Events now show directly in the dashboard on the fulfillment order as a timeline for ease of tracking
    • Transaction reports now include summary metrics indicating the number of transactions that were disputed to help merchants have improved visibility into dispute sources.


    • Improved clarity of Transaction Statuses by removing legacy statuses that are no longer used or applicable.
    • Campaigns App API now accepts specifying the Gateway Group or Gateway directly in the API request to override the campaigns settings for more complex campaign flows.
    • Oauth App create flow in the dashboard has been improved for clarity to no longer require associating with a dashboard user.
    • Improved the Product selector for campaigns to improve support for stores with large product catalogs.
    • Fulfillment locations and fulfillment apps are now prevented from removal if the locations have active fulfillments in progress to protect against situations that could leave orders stuck in fulfillment processing status indefinitely.
    • Improved order refund events to stamp the Oauth App if created over the Admin API.
    • Campaigns API docs now support testing the campaign calls through the interactive console for faster exploration and testing.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with support macros duplicating the response text when using.
    • Fixed an edge case issue where it was possible to create a 500 error due to attempting to add the same customer to a block list multiple times.
    • Fixed an edge case issue with changing the fulfillment location when the order also has digital products.


  • 2024/03/27


    New Features

    • Introducing a new Subscriptions Retention report that is fully filterable to see your subscriber retention cohorts based on any subscription filter attribute.
    • Theme developers can now create settings for single or multi-products used in the default templates for more robust configurable themes. 
    • Storefront now features dashboard configurable menus that automatically populate in storefront themes for an easier merchant store configuration experience.


    • All dashboard list views and reports now exclude empty querystrings while filtering for more clear user experience and shorter urls for sharing.
    • Fixed several non-intuitive UX issues with the subscription payment update flow in storefront for improved ease of use.
    • Campaigns list view is now automatically sorted to show your most recently created campaigns first as they are more likely to be in use and actively being worked on.
    • We've changed the global theme context of basket to cart for more consistency across the platform and naming conventions.
    • Theme Kit now automatically handles and recovers when it encounters a rate limit error while pushing and pulling large sets of theme files.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue causing a 500 error when viewing a customer in the dashboard.
    • Fixed an issue that occasionally happened with rapid successive API requests with a customer address.
  • 2023/10/25


    New Features

    • Google Pay is now available for merchants to setup on their store as an express checkout payment method, and on the Admin API.
    • Reports list view has been overhauled to now allow searching and pinning of reports to improve report discovery and easy access to frequently used reports.
    • Discover card is now supported for 3DS payments. Merchants can configure their Discover Acquiring BIN and Merchant ID when setting up a 3DS Profile.
    • Returns and Return Line Items can now be exported for external use and analysis.


    • Orders report "Returns" value is now relative to the date of the orders themselves to help merchants better analyze returns performance relative to the order created date range.
    • Orders and Transactions using the Test gateway are now flagged as test transactions, improving the developer experience when test transactions are necessary for building an integration.
    • Webhooks now always send the latest object state which helps prevent any edge cases that could arise if webhook task messages waited in the queue for processing for a period of time.

    Bugs Fixed

    • Fixed an issue with the orders subscription lifecycle filter not working as expected.
    • We've now fixed an issue with the Inventory counts including deleted locations.
    • Fixed an edge case issue where it was possible to create a subscription with a value as an upsell if the initial order was 0.00 and did not have a retained payment method.
    • Fixed the display of line items in emails viewed through the dashboard when a user has dark mode enabled in their OS.
    • Fixed an edge case where removed apps prevented other apps from checking for an available update.