• Topics
  • Admin API
  • Apps
  • Campaigns
  • Checkout
  • Customers
  • Dashboard
  • Disputes
  • Fulfillment
  • Gift Cards
  • Metadata
  • Notifications
  • Offers
  • Orders
  • Payments
  • Products
  • Reports
  • Settings
  • Storefront
  • Storefront API
  • Subscriptions
  • Support
  • Taxes
  • Themes
  • Webhooks
  • 2024/05/22


    New Features

    • Introducing a new suite of Dispute Reports to summarize disputes across gateways, card types, and card issuers, to increase visibility and monitoring for merchants.


    • 3PL Central App now features logs of API requests to assist merchants in troubleshooting order fulfillments when sent to their integrated fulfillment locations.
    • The timestamp has been removed from order confirmation notifications to reduce confusion when customers are not in the same timezone as the store.
    • We've improved Redirects settings to prevent users from accidentally creating issues with accessing the dashboard or Admin APIs due to redirect misconfigurations.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an issue with report filters not working properly with report pagination.
    • We've fixed an issue with theme template tag formatting potentially causing a 500 error when it shouldn't have.
  • 2024/02/29

    FulfillmentCheckoutAdmin APIThemesPaymentsSettings

    New Features

    • Introducing support for AirWallex, a new payment gateway for bankcard payments specializing in cross-border payments around the world.
    • Tracked shipment events can now be uploaded to a new Fulfillment Events API that broadens order life-cycle tracking and reporting capabilities all the way to delivery.
    • Theme developers can now query store objects with a more flexible and powerful where template tag that allows object types, lookup expressions, and variables to passed into.
    • Merchants can now configure storefront Customer Accounts to enable or restrict customers from self-managing their subscription next renewal dates or recurring schedule. 
    • The storefront checkout flow now has a more optimized flow for digital only orders that do not require shipping addresses or shipping methods.


    • Email sending domain setup flow has been simplified and improved to ease the setup of new email sending domains.
    • Subscription action modals have been updated to be standard modals for improved UX and consistency.
    • Campaigns App now uses the latest Admin API version 2024-04-01 for all of its interaction with the store platform when creating orders.
    • We now track events on subscriptions when the associated payment method is updated by the customer in their storefront account.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a few edge cases with Campaigns API rate limiting to improve rate limit handling while under attack.
    • Fixed a typo in store API for correctness.
    • Fixed an issue with cloning campaigns to always select the proper gateway group.
  • 2024/02/14

    CampaignsAdmin APISettingsProductsOrders

    New Features

    • We've now released a new Admin API version, 2024-04-01, which has much improved schemas for better performance and consistency.
    • Duplicate orders are now detected and blocked to prevent customers from accidentally creating multiple orders with the same products within a short timeframe.
    • Admin API reference documentation now features the capability to send example requests to quickly test API requests/responses.


    • Test orders no longer impact product inventory counts to improve product inventory tracking.
    • Storefront asset uploading has been significantly improved from a UX perspective to be more intuitive.
    • Fulfillment event timeline details now include tracking information to surface shipment tracking information within the context of order history for more clarity.
    • Product titles shown in Campaigns app are now automatically updated when the source product is updated to keep these in sync.
    • Campaign API users can now pass a language in the user object to override the campaign default language if selling in multiple languages.
    • Store domains now have improved validation to prevent invalid domains from being added to stores.

    Bug Fixes

    • The list of available locations to move a product to has been fixed to not include deleted locations.
    • Returns export errors caused by unsafe handling of null values have now been fixed.
    • Edge case issues with Apple Pay default account country have been fixed.
    • Subscription list views and reports incorrectly offered sorting by total which has now been corrected.
  • 2023/12/20

    SettingsPaymentsGift Cards

    New Features

    • Introducing Adyen, a new payment gateway for bankcard payments.
    • Merchants can now create Gift Cards to offer customers store credit to use for future purchases on their store.


    • Store Localization settings have been significantly improved with drag-and-drop functionality to simplify the setup and prioritization of storefront geos, languages, and currencies.
    • The Order Detail view now always shows alerts when there is an associated ticket or dispute, to assist customer service users in their workflows.
    • Stripe Payment Intents is now the preferred Stripe gateway, with the legacy Stripe gateway now removed from the list of available gateways.
    • Webhook failing notifications have been improved to notify all store admins to increase the observability potential issues with external integrations leveraging webhooks.
    • The test gateway is now limited to one per store to reduce unnecessaary test gateways from being created.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with failing input field validations when creating a product.
    • Fixed an issue with customer exports not applying the current list view filters for the exported data.
    • Fixed an issue with Transaction Detail views showing a link to a non-existing order due to failed a payment attempt.
    • Fixed an edge case with Admin API shipping method validation for the Paypal one-click flow.
  • 2023/12/13

    SettingsAdmin APIDisputesPayments

    New Features

    • Introducing a new Admin API to retrieve store information such as the public contact information, available languages, available currencies, and primary domain to open up new and deeper integration possibilities.
    • Custom external payment methods can now be created in the dashboard and used in the Checkout Flow and Admin API when creating a new order to support custom payment methods that dont have native integration.
    • Disputes now have new status accepted available, and now support adding notes to Disputes on the Admin API, enabling dispute integration providers to add notes.
    • Klaviyo App now supports setting a default email subscribe list, and uses remote dropdown lists for an improved user experience when configuring the App.


    • Braintree payment gateway now supports descriptor_name, descriptor_phone, and descriptor_url custom fields, enabling merchants to customize them.
    • Storefront themes have been updated to use the object meta title in the <title></title>.
    • Order invoices and store notifications now use the store legal name as it's more appropriate in these cases than the public store name.
    • Products Admin API now features a sku to enable searching for existing products by their SKU.
    • We've improved the Admin API and Checkout Flow to validate cases an attempt is made to create a 0.00 (free) initial order with a paid recurring subscription.
    • We've now remapped the NO_AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS error code from Bluesnap to 5007 as it means the merchant account has been disabled at Bluesnap.
    • Campaigns App now dynamically shows the available languages and currencies that are configured on the store for a tighter integration.
    • Campaigns App - improved the campaign edit view to set the campaign currency field as read-only, as it cannot be changed after it's been created.
    • Improved API integration to always provide the end customer ip_address and user_agent so these can be used for order and payment processing.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with initial declined payment re-attempts not being stamped as re-attemps when they fail.
    • Fixed an issue with product creation form field validation not showing properly when duplicate currencies exist.
    • Fixed an edge case with SKU validation when a product was converted from a stand alone to variant product.
    • Fixed an issue with Campaigns API that required the shipping address phone_number but allowed the field to be blank.
    • Fixed an issue with the Subscription Forecast report default subscription created date range, which is expected to be "All Time" with next renewal date range filters applied.
    • Fixed issues with order sub-affiliate reports including sub-affiliates and not properly filtering for the parent affiliate.
    • Fixed an edge case issue with campaign cloning when the browser default language converted price formats to use commas instead of decimal points.