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  • Webhooks
  • 2024/07/17


    New Features

    • Stripe payment gateway now supports configuring a Soft Descriptor allowing merchants to customize the descriptor shown on customer bank statements.
    • Theme Settings now supports configuring a page setting type allowing dashboard users to select a page to link to instead of needing to configure the page url manually.
    • Theme Settings now supports configuring a richtext field type for settings fields that expect to have formatted html text.
    • Fulfillments can now be exported through the Fulfillments overview report allowing merchants to work with their data externally.


    • The Subscription Payment Method update form now shows a warning to suggest to customers that their payment method is failing and needs to be updated.
    • The Theme Customize view now warns users when they have unsaved changes that won't be applied if they exit the view.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed an edge case issue where it was possible to send a duplicate fulfillment request while there was an existing fulfillment request pending acceptance.
    • We've fixed an edge case issue with adding a dashboard user without first and last name failed to register with dashboard single sign-on.
    • We've corrected the order line items response to always include variant product titles.
    • We've corrected an edge case with saved settings not being set when re-installing a previously uninstalled app.
  • 2024/06/19

    FulfillmentSubscriptionsAdmin APIPaymentsWebhooks

    New Features

    • Introducing server-side Meta Conversion API integration to connect your orders to your Meta advertising campaigns for orders created on the storefront checkout flow and Admin API.
    • Subscriptions that fail renewal will now automatically send an email to the customer with a one-click link to update their payment method for an automated subscription recovery flow.
    • The Admin Add Line Items API now supports passing a payment gateway or payment gateway group to override the initial payment gateway used for the order for deeper payment orchestration in the order flow.
    • Gift Cards can now be created and retrieved through the Admin API allowing deeper customized flows to create Gift Cards for customers.
    • External applications can now subscribe to fulfillment activity through the fulfillment.created and fulfillment.updated webhooks to be updated when new fulfillments are created and as their delivery statuses are updated.
    • The Transactions Admin API now includes a new external_id property as a reference to the external payment provider's ID for the payment, also includes support to filter by external_id.


    • Product detail view queries have been improved resulting in faster load times for products in the storefront.
    • We've added a new Disputes by Resolution report to help merchants better understand their dispute outcomes.
    • The product creation flow UX has some slight improvements to reduce clicks and form validation errors.
    • Test subscriptions now don't auto-renew themselves to prevent cases where test subscriptions continuously create new orders forever.
    • Storefront theme file settings can now be cleared to support cases where you no longer want to utilize the setting.
    • It is now possible to send non-public shipping method IDs on the Admin API to prevent accidental validation errors caused by making a shipping method private.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed a rare edge case issue where it was possible to create an order with the end result not matching the intended quantity.
    • Fixed an issue with the querystrings when using All Time date range that prevented reports from loading.
  • 2024/03/27


    New Features

    • Introducing a new Subscriptions Retention report that is fully filterable to see your subscriber retention cohorts based on any subscription filter attribute.
    • Theme developers can now create settings for single or multi-products used in the default templates for more robust configurable themes. 
    • Storefront now features dashboard configurable menus that automatically populate in storefront themes for an easier merchant store configuration experience.


    • All dashboard list views and reports now exclude empty querystrings while filtering for more clear user experience and shorter urls for sharing.
    • Fixed several non-intuitive UX issues with the subscription payment update flow in storefront for improved ease of use.
    • Campaigns list view is now automatically sorted to show your most recently created campaigns first as they are more likely to be in use and actively being worked on.
    • We've changed the global theme context of basket to cart for more consistency across the platform and naming conventions.
    • Theme Kit now automatically handles and recovers when it encounters a rate limit error while pushing and pulling large sets of theme files.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue causing a 500 error when viewing a customer in the dashboard.
    • Fixed an issue that occasionally happened with rapid successive API requests with a customer address.
  • 2023/7/18

    SubscriptionsAdmin APIOrdersFulfillmentCampaigns

    New Features

    • The Orders Admin API and order webhooks now include refunds detail for a breakdown of order adjustments, refunded items, and associated refund transactions.
    • Introducing a new suite of Admin Fulfillment APIs for external fulfillment services and warehouses to build fully integrated fulfillment flows.
    • In the Campaigns App it's now possible to "Clone" a campaign to reduce setup time for creating and testing campaign variants.
    • Our Klaviyo integration has been updated to include "Items" in the Refunded Order event to include the refunded items in refund email notifications.
    • Klaviyo Placed Order events now include subscription_lifecycle and subscription_billing_cycle attributes making it possible to create Dynamic Segments in Klayvio of customers based on their subscription billing cycle.
    • Users can now enable/disable a server driven Klaviyo Started Checkout triggered by the store abandoned.cart webhook event.
    • Everflow users can now optionally include Tax in the conversion values sent to Everflow for reporting.


    • The Orders list view is now filtered to Open orders by default for a workflow-oriented user experience as open orders require merchant action.
    • Fulfillment partners has been renamed to locations on the Admin API as this is a better representation of their role within the platform logic.
    • The storefront checkout flow uses Last Click attribution and now supports clear_attribution parameter that when passed as false will maintain existing attribution and only update with new fields passed.
    • Several Campaigns App UX improvements have been completed to improve user experience when creating and debugging campaigns.
    • We've improved and extended the webhook retry policy out to 10 days to ensure that webhooks are attempted for a long period of time.
  • 2023/4/11


    New Features

    • Order Confirmation pages now feature a new Invoice link allowing customers to easily print an invoice for their order.
    • The new Subscription Forecast report summarizes subscriptions by their next renewal date to help merchants preview upcoming revenue and project recurring product demand.


    • The Storefront Checkout flow now creates new customer accounts and attaches their cart session to improve abandoned cart scenarios.
    • Address fields and formats have been improved for many European countries to reduce friction in the Storefront Checkout flow.
    • App Oauth settings have now moved to App settings in the Partner dashboard to ease the app development flow and reduce necessary steps for backend app integrations.
    • Legacy API Users have now been fully deprecated with the removal of the ability to create new API users and associated tokens.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed edge case issues that caused the Products List to be empty while updating a cart in the dashboard.
    • Corrected an issue where a Refund action was offered on already refunded transactions.
    • Fixed an issue with duplicate notes being created when updating user addresses in the dashboard.
    • Fixed errors caused by webhooks attempting to send even though the user was not actually created due to a validation error.