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  • 2024/03/13

    SupportFulfillmentDashboardStorefront API

    New Features

    • Dashboard users can now create orders on behalf of customers manually. These orders are classified as Dashboard orders in the reports filter Source.
    • Fulfillment locations can now be restricted to only ship to a specified list of countries enabling a simpler path to more complex fulfillment routing scenarios.
    • We now have dynamic IP address filtering to prevent continuous failed transaction attempts and card testing attacks.


    • We've improved support ticket filtering to prevent inbound spam emails from creating duplicate tickets.
    • The Storefront GraphQL API integrated explorer has gotten a full overhaul with a new UI and faster load times for documentation, see /api/graphql/.
    • Storefront customer accounts now follow the store brand color settings for a more immersive customer expereince.
    • When Apps create notes over the API, the App name is now shown as the note creator in the customer or order timeline to more easily see the source of the note.
    • File type metadata objects now show with a link to the uploaded file for easier access and viewing.
    • We've fixed Maxmind warnings due to empty values passed for address fields when not present instead of null.
    • Bankcards with an expiration date that has already passed are now automatically filtered from storefront checkout flow, given they are deemed to be ineligible for new payments.
    • We've improved our address handling logic for APMs to prevent invalid addresses from being accepted through APM payment flows.

    Bugs Fixed

    • Fixed an issue with subscription timeline gateway change event detail to track the changes correctly.
    • Fixed an issue where it was possible to double-click storefront account action buttons while they were processing and cause a 500 error.
    • Fixed an issue with drag and drop image uploading into content WYSIWYG editors.
  • 2023/9/26

    Admin APIPaymentsFulfillmentSupportCampaigns

    New Features

    • A Product's Fulfillment Location is now automatically assigned to optimally route fulfillments to:
      • Minimize split fulfillments to reduce shipping costs
      • Stay within country of origin to reduce cross-border shipments
      • Prioritize shortest physical distance to reduce time to home
    • Declined bankcard transactions are now throttled to allow a maximum of 4 attempts within a 10 minute window, to prevent customers from continuously trying a failing bankcard.
    • Introducing a new Inventory view that summarizes the available inventory per product across all fulfillment locations, to help merchants more easily monitor stock levels.


    • Support Ticket Macros have now moved to the main Support section to make them available to create and maintain by all users with access to Support.
    • Product stock records can now be deleted through the dashboard. Note, legacy usage of stockrecord_id on the Admin API is still currently supported but we recommend all API users to update to using product_id instead.
    • Customer first and last name fields are now optimistically populated from the names on shipping address information, if they are blank.
    • Orders on the Admin API now feature report_values that are a foreign exchange conversion to the store reporting currency (USD), allowing external platforms to pull the same reporting values.
    • Campaigns App shipping methods are now available on the Campaigns API allowing campaign developers to dynamically pull and populate these into campaign frontends.
    • Campaigns App cartCreate and orderCreate API calls now return product_sku in line items to support event tracking integrations that require product_sku in the event details.
    • Campaigns App packages now support a "Retail Price" to makes it easier for campaign developers to pull this into their designs to show a discount to customers dynamically.
  • 2022/5/31

    SubscriptionsAdmin APIStorefrontReportsOrdersSupportApps

    New Features

    • Introducing "Apps" as the future of integrations into the 29 Next Platform. In the near future Apps will be open to the public to build and publish to the App ecosystem.
    • Introducing Partner Reports which allow store admins to share pre-filtered Order Reports providing a way to share limited reports with third parties.
    • Storefront pages and blog posts now support custom page templates allowing store designers to create multiple custom layouts in themes for more unique customer experiences.
    • The Subscriptions Admin API now supports updating the payment gateway to provide Admin API users a way manage subscriptions.


    • The ticket detail layout has been improved with related order details, related tickets, and some ease-of-use enhancements.
    • Orders by can now be filtered by Initial, Recurring, or Non-Recurring to more easily find orders from different subscription life-cycle scenarios.
    • The Subscription Admin API now validates the card type for the selected gateway to prevent cases where the card type does not match the gateway accepted card types.
    • Email addresses are now forced to lowercase by default for improved unique validation and support for creating customers through express checkout flows.
    • We've now removed an old fallback feature that allowed us to support homepage content from a page instead of the theme's index.html page.
  • 2021/11/29

    OffersAdmin APIReportsOrdersSupport

    New Features

    • Offers and Vouchers have been updated with new features for increased flexibility for discounted pricing use cases and improvement management features.
    • Open carts with a known customer and product are now browsable allowing merchants to view their open carts.
    • Introducing a new Transactions by Funnel report allowing merchants to easily see a breakdown of their transaction performance by funnel.
    • Orders that are Confirmed status can now be changed to Pending status to prevent the order from being automatically sent to fulfillment until the merchant is able to correct the order.


    • Card Token payment method now supports Gateway Groups for the gateway selection logic by card type.
    • Admin API users can now pass a stockrecord_id in lieu of sku and currency for order line items when creating new orders.
    • It is now possible to create a shipping address for an order in the rare case that an order was created without a shipping address.
    • Shipping methods now follow the is_public logic as many other models that are customer facing. Non-public shipping methods cannot be used on the API so the available shipping methods in APM interfaces are consistent.
    • Hovering over the humanized date on a ticket comment will now show the actual date in a tooltip.
    • We've improved the MRR and MRR Growth charts to be show more accurate metrics and trend indicators.
    • We've now updated many of the status enums to be lowercase for consistency across data models on the api.
    • The initiator object on the transactions api is now trimmed down to have the user id, email, first and last name.

    Bugs Fixed

    • Fixed an issue of missing template code to populate the meta description of funnel pages.Fixed an issue of missing template code to populate the meta description of funnel pages.
  • 2021/11/1

    SubscriptionsAdmin APIPaymentsTaxesDashboardDisputesSupport

    New Features

    • Introducing Single Sign On allowing store users to easily access multiple stores from a single user account.
    • Klarna integration now supports a One Click flow allowing the customer to add their details into the Klarna Checkout widget directly for their order.
    • Stores now have a new Branding settings section allowing store admins to upload their brand logo and icon.


    • Store Tax settings now support "Tax Inclusive Prices" per currency for markets that require tax to be included in presented prices.
    • Support tickets can now be updated in bulk to change their status, assignee, priority, type, or add tags.
    • Test Subscriptions are now created when using Test Cards allowing merchants to fully test subscription processes and pricing.
    • Orders can now be filtered by Fulfillment partner on the Orders list view.
    • The Admin Cart API now has date range filter parameters to support searching by specific date ranges.
    • Resolving an Alert (dispute) that was created by Midigator will automatically sync the resolution to Midigator's Prevention API.
    • Support Macros now support order based replacement variables to make it easier for support agents to quickly respond to customers with information about their order.
    • The Subscriptions list view now has tabs with counts to easily see subscriptions by status and keep an eye on subscriptions that are retrying and past due.
    • Orders now show a Support tab when tickets are associated to the order for easier navigation to the associated tickets.
    • The dashboard cart view "Cart Actions" have been updated to simplify the UX for dashboard users to assist a customer with the checkout process.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where failed transactions were filtered before the Avg Value was calculated preventing them from being included in Avg Value calculations.
    • Fixed an issue where following a link from a report to a list view with a date_group querystring causing the the export to fail.
    • Improved the logic to prevent duplicate Paypal shipping events from creating in the case of an issue uploading.
    • Fixed an issue preventing Test Orders with Klarna payment from being deleted.
    • Fixed an issue with the order total calculation with taxes applied in the dashboard cart summary.