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  • Webhooks
  • 2024/06/19

    FulfillmentSubscriptionsAdmin APIPaymentsWebhooks

    New Features

    • Introducing server-side Meta Conversion API integration to connect your orders to your Meta advertising campaigns for orders created on the storefront checkout flow and Admin API.
    • Subscriptions that fail renewal will now automatically send an email to the customer with a one-click link to update their payment method for an automated subscription recovery flow.
    • The Admin Add Line Items API now supports passing a payment gateway or payment gateway group to override the initial payment gateway used for the order for deeper payment orchestration in the order flow.
    • Gift Cards can now be created and retrieved through the Admin API allowing deeper customized flows to create Gift Cards for customers.
    • External applications can now subscribe to fulfillment activity through the fulfillment.created and fulfillment.updated webhooks to be updated when new fulfillments are created and as their delivery statuses are updated.
    • The Transactions Admin API now includes a new external_id property as a reference to the external payment provider's ID for the payment, also includes support to filter by external_id.


    • Product detail view queries have been improved resulting in faster load times for products in the storefront.
    • We've added a new Disputes by Resolution report to help merchants better understand their dispute outcomes.
    • The product creation flow UX has some slight improvements to reduce clicks and form validation errors.
    • Test subscriptions now don't auto-renew themselves to prevent cases where test subscriptions continuously create new orders forever.
    • Storefront theme file settings can now be cleared to support cases where you no longer want to utilize the setting.
    • It is now possible to send non-public shipping method IDs on the Admin API to prevent accidental validation errors caused by making a shipping method private.

    Bug Fixes

    • We've fixed a rare edge case issue where it was possible to create an order with the end result not matching the intended quantity.
    • Fixed an issue with the querystrings when using All Time date range that prevented reports from loading.
  • 2024/02/01

    CampaignsAdmin APICustomersStorefrontWebhooks

    New Features

    • Storefront Accounts have been completely overhauled and moved into the core platform to improve customer UX and pave the path forward for deeper customer account features.
    • Subscription Line Items can now be managed from the Admin API enabling new integration possibilities.
    • Introducing Metadata APIs allowing external apps to register their Metadata Definitions on stores for metadata used in their integration.
    • Disputes resolution flows now offer the ability to register external refunds.
    • It is now possible to restock items back to inventory when creating a refund for an order.
    • Campaigns app now features improved failed payment handling for external redirect flows.
    • Webhook subscribers can now listen for store general configuration updates through the store.updated webhook.


    • Many major improvements have been integrated with the Admin API unstable version with improved performance, additional order reporting values, and consistency, see docs.
    • Store Payments Env key is now automatically saved during Campaigns App installation flow to reduce setup steps.
    • Customer IP Address is now sync'd to Klaviyo to power their profile location features to leverage a customer location in automation flows.
    • We've improved order refund and order adjustment tracking to improve the accuracy of order returns report values.
    • Order Returns can now be filtered by Products to easily find returns by product.
    • Orders can now be filtered by has_outstanding_balance to find orders that have outstanding owed refunds or require payment collection.
    • Core Attribution fields now all support a consistent 500 characters to match external attribution platform general best practices.
    • Maxmind App has been refactored to use the riskScore API instead of Insights to reduce costs.

    Bug Fixes

    • Images inserted into emails now save properly to the ticket so they can be seen by dashboard users.
    • Fixed an issue with saving the comment mode on support macros.
    • Fixed error message shown in the Partners App portal when creating a release for an S2S app without an app file.
    • Fixed an edge case issue with using a different billing address than shipping in the storefront checkout flow.
    • Fixed an edge case issue with campaign currencies blocking package creation.
  • 2024/1/4


    New Features

    • Store admins will now receive a notification if a payment gateway is rejecting transaction attempts, to more quickly surface potential gateway issues that require attention.
    • Webhooks product.created and product.updated events are now available to be subscribed to by external systems for monitoring products in a store, and to enable deeper integrations.


    • The background Paypal carrier tracking upload logic has been overhauled and improved to use a bulk upload API, and to upload tracking numbers for "other" shipping carriers that are not mapped.
    • The Campaigns API order response details now includes the order_status_url making it possible for campaigns to leverage the storefront order confirmation page and invoice views.
    • Disputes can now be filtered by the related gateway in the Dashboard and Admin API.
    • Google Pay accounts are now validated for their uniqness to prevent accidental adding duplicates.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue with block counts on Block Lists not incrementing in all cases.
    • Fixed an edge case where a customer's IP address was not saved when the customer record was created through the storefront checkout flow.
  • 2023/6/20


    New Features

    • Introducing a new headless Campaigns App and API that supports JavaScript integrations, enabling developers to integrate external custom checkout flows without requiring a server side integration.
    • Orders that have been edited and require the collection of additional payment from the customer can now bill the original payment method on file. (Limited to payment methods that allow merchant initiated transactions).
    • Partner Marketing Reports can now be configured to exclude revenue figures when merchants want to exclude them from a partner's view.
    • New Metadata boolean field type handles boolean values being passed and stored as metadata.
    • Transactions APIs and webhooks now feature a new parent_id so that integration partners can link related transactions in their external application logic.


    • Bancontact is now available for customers in the Netherlands.
    • Improved the logic of the Paypal redirect flow endpoint to not return 500 errors when invalid UUIDs are passed, instead returning a 404.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where it was possible for a customer to pay for their order with an alternative payment method, then drop out of the flow before their order was created.
    • Fixed an issue where duplicate order.updated webhook events were sent by the authorized transaction recurring processes even though the order had not updated.
    • Fixed an issue to properly handle some edge case errors for Paypal refund transactions.
  • 2023/3/28

    CheckoutSubscriptionsAdmin APIReportsWebhooks

    New Features

    • Introducing a new Customer Notes API that allows adding Customer Notes by external services on the Admin API.
    • Subscription reports now feature a new Monthly Recurring Revenue metric to provide MRR breakdown across the reports.
    • We've now added new Metadata Field Types for Rich Text, File, and Multiline Text with the ability to set metadata on Products.
    • We've updated our Admin API schema generator to Open API 3.0 to provide the latest schema features.


    • We've updated our database instances and connection settings to use persistent connections, reducing overhead for a 40% improvement in database performance.
    • Webhook event retry payloads are now more consistent and no longer re-created at the time of retrying.
    • Improved Checkout, off-site payment redirect flow UI, and several minor UI improvements throughout the dashboard.
    • Improved several UX elements in Partners setup and App creation flow.
    • Store Dashboard is no longer available in multiple languages, adding more focus on checkout and notification translations.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue that showed an unlocalized time in order notification emails.
    • Fixed an issue with Dashboard users not being able to access products in the new product picker.
    • Fixed an issue with Order Overview Report Export not following the Order list view as expected.