
New Features

  • Test Orders can now be deleted en mass with a bulk order action to delete all test orders.
  • 3DS2 Merchant Profile setup has been improved to support ABIN and MID per card network for more flexibility.
  • Payment Gateway's now have an "Active" state to support disabling a gateway to prevent attempted transactions.


  • Reports UX and navigation has been completely overhauled to make report discovery easier and navigated to related reports.
  • Customers can now be searched by any of their Address data making it possible to find customers with limited amounts of their address.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with filter links on Transactions by Card Bin report.
  • Fixed an issue related to offers and the add-line-items api creating a line item with 0 qty.
  • Fixed fulfillment automation logic to prevent Test Orders from automatically being sent to fulfillment partners.