
New Features

  • Introducing a new Orders by Partner SKU report which breaks down orders by fulfillment SKU to provide metrics for inventory sales and fulfillment forecasting.
  • Support Ticket Types can now be managed from the dashboard under Settings > Support > Ticket Types.


  • Support Tickets can now be more easily created from the Customer Detail view under "Actions" as well as the top of the Support Tickets table to make the ticket creation process much easier for dashboard users.
  • Orders List view and Orders Reports Partner SKU filter now uses a dropdown field, making it more intuitive and easier to use.
  • Settings UX has been revamped with a new Settings "Index" view with category cards, making settings easier to navigate and discover.
  • Paypal and Klarna payment methods can now be toggled on and off as available payment methods in the checkout flow and API.
  • The Everflow S2S Postback can now be delayed up to 10 minutes allowing merchants to include upsells in the postback order data for more complete reporting in Everflow.
  • Product Classes (or Types) naming conventions have been clarified to reference Product Classes and also move "Options" to be inside the Product Classes section for clarity.

Bugs Fixed

  • Corrected some inconsistencies between the dashboard and orders report queries and fixed an issue with upsell report values not being calculated correctly.
  • Fixed an issue of not validating an incorrect phone number in the shipping address form correctly which caused a 500 error instead of a form validation error.