New Features
- Subscriptions can now be set to not send order confirmation emails for renewal orders.
- Stand alone products can now be converted to a variant product allowing for additional variants to be added after a product already has a stock record.
- Customers, Orders, and Transactions report summaries now all feature percentage calculations for Upsells, Shipping, Refunds and Net Revenue for easier key metric monitoring.
- Gateway Group is now stored on transactions where the a group was used for the routing of the transaction.
- Admin API endpoints for Orders, Carts, and Products have been significantly improved with reduced queries and faster response times.
- Theme settings are now validated for errors that would cause the dashboard settings views to error.
- Webhook request failure handling has been improved to properly log SSL and network connection errors instead of silently failing in the background.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed an edge case where tax was miscalculated when tax is calculated with shipping.