
New Features

  • It is now possible, when using Auth/Capture payment flows on the Admin API, to authorize a higher value than the initial order amount by passing the authorize_value This allows for upsells to be added to the original order without additional transactions.
  • The core user model now has a user_agent attribute that can be populated for syncing to external systems that leverage browser user agents as part of their attribution matching algorithms.


  • We improved the Carts Admin API to be consistent with the Dashboard > Customers > Open Carts view.
  • We've now added support for the accepts_marketing attribute on the Carts Admin API, for specifying this when creating a user with a cart within a single API call.
  • We've updated all gateway secure credential fields to use an obscured password field type for improved security.
  • We've improved the WYSIWYG editor to have a max height, so long content doesn't overly consume Dashboard page vertical real estate.
  • The Stock Records list view now shows the Subscription Price for improved visibility.
  • Creating webhooks now validates that the target uses SSL on the Admin API and Dashboard, as SSL is required for webhook processing tasks.
  • Added more validation/exception handling to safely handle improperly configured checkout links.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with failed subscription renewal transactions not properly being flagged as recurring.
  • Fixed a UX edge case that prevented a user from creating a Product Class.
  • Fixed an issue with Tax not showing in order confirmation emails.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible for a theme to have multiple preview tokens causing an error with theme previews.
  • Fixed an issue with the Stock Record create form Product dropdown selector not properly showing Product Variant titles.
  • Fixed a product image crop inconsistency on the storefront checkout flow.
  • Investigated 500 errors we've been seeing on a few stores' blog views, and fixed pagination.