
New Features

  • Introducing Adyen, a new payment gateway for bankcard payments.
  • Merchants can now create Gift Cards to offer customers store credit to use for future purchases on their store.


  • Store Localization settings have been significantly improved with drag-and-drop functionality to simplify the setup and prioritization of storefront geos, languages, and currencies.
  • The Order Detail view now always shows alerts when there is an associated ticket or dispute, to assist customer service users in their workflows.
  • Stripe Payment Intents is now the preferred Stripe gateway, with the legacy Stripe gateway now removed from the list of available gateways.
  • Webhook failing notifications have been improved to notify all store admins to increase the observability potential issues with external integrations leveraging webhooks.
  • The test gateway is now limited to one per store to reduce unnecessaary test gateways from being created.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with failing input field validations when creating a product.
  • Fixed an issue with customer exports not applying the current list view filters for the exported data.
  • Fixed an issue with Transaction Detail views showing a link to a non-existing order due to failed a payment attempt.
  • Fixed an edge case with Admin API shipping method validation for the Paypal one-click flow.