
New Features

  • Products have been overhauled, with the introduction of a more streamlined UX to simplify product variant management, product attributes, and overall product catalogue management.
  • The Admin API now has a full set of User Address APIs to create and manage addresses.
  • The PayPal integration now integrates PayPal FraudNet to provide expanded transaction and device data on PayPal transactions.


  • We've improved theme queries to improve storefront loading performance by ~20%.
  • The original Subscription UI has been removed as we have now fully transitioned to the new Subscription UX.
  • The original Carts UI has been removed as we have now fully transitioned to the new Carts UX.
  • Users can now create metadata objects with the same key for different objects.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with US Tax IDs where we limited the field to 9 digits and did not properly handle the - in the users input.
  • Fixed an edge case issue where Past Due subscriptions were updated but not automatically set back to active status to continue their renewal cycles.
  • We fixed an issue with Avg Value and Avg LTV calculations for Subscriptions Reports.