
New Features

  • Introducing Sofort as an available alternative payment method for the European market.
  • When collecting additional payment for an order, it is now possible to send an updated invoice notification to the customer to inform them of the additional charges for their order.
  • It is now possible to pass a "package quantity" to line items on Campaigns Cart and Order APIs to simplify package creation and allow more complex bundling scenarios.


  • The Admin API now returns a supports_post_purchase_upsells to indicate if the order supports adding additional upsell items to the order, based on the original payment method.
  • We now show a tax percentage on order confirmation emails and order status/invoice views.
  • Klaviyo App - Test orders are now not sent by default, to avoid Klaviyo counting test orders as real revenue in their reporting metrics.
  • We've improved order reporting calculations to address some inaccuracies introduced when editing orders.
  • Webhooks that receive a 410 (Gone) error response will now automatically deactivate as the endpoint has indicated that it is no longer available.
  • We've improved the Product Metadata UX to save when the full product details are saved, for a more clear user experience.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where the Billing Address in the checkout flow did not automatically show in a localized format for the chosen country.
  • Fixed an issue for handling the available subscription billing cycle options in the customer account subscription Change Schedule action.
  • Fixed an issue where a 500 error was created when incorrect address booleans were passed when creating an order.