
New Features

  • Storefront Accounts have been completely overhauled and moved into the core platform to improve customer UX and pave the path forward for deeper customer account features.
  • Subscription Line Items can now be managed from the Admin API enabling new integration possibilities.
  • Introducing Metadata APIs allowing external apps to register their Metadata Definitions on stores for metadata used in their integration.
  • Disputes resolution flows now offer the ability to register external refunds.
  • It is now possible to restock items back to inventory when creating a refund for an order.
  • Campaigns app now features improved failed payment handling for external redirect flows.
  • Webhook subscribers can now listen for store general configuration updates through the store.updated webhook.


  • Many major improvements have been integrated with the Admin API unstable version with improved performance, additional order reporting values, and consistency, see docs.
  • Store Payments Env key is now automatically saved during Campaigns App installation flow to reduce setup steps.
  • Customer IP Address is now sync'd to Klaviyo to power their profile location features to leverage a customer location in automation flows.
  • We've improved order refund and order adjustment tracking to improve the accuracy of order returns report values.
  • Order Returns can now be filtered by Products to easily find returns by product.
  • Orders can now be filtered by has_outstanding_balance to find orders that have outstanding owed refunds or require payment collection.
  • Core Attribution fields now all support a consistent 500 characters to match external attribution platform general best practices.
  • Maxmind App has been refactored to use the riskScore API instead of Insights to reduce costs.

Bug Fixes

  • Images inserted into emails now save properly to the ticket so they can be seen by dashboard users.
  • Fixed an issue with saving the comment mode on support macros.
  • Fixed error message shown in the Partners App portal when creating a release for an S2S app without an app file.
  • Fixed an edge case issue with using a different billing address than shipping in the storefront checkout flow.
  • Fixed an edge case issue with campaign currencies blocking package creation.