
New Features

  • Dashboard users can now create orders on behalf of customers manually. These orders are classified as Dashboard orders in the reports filter Source.
  • Fulfillment locations can now be restricted to only ship to a specified list of countries enabling a simpler path to more complex fulfillment routing scenarios.
  • We now have dynamic IP address filtering to prevent continuous failed transaction attempts and card testing attacks.


  • We've improved support ticket filtering to prevent inbound spam emails from creating duplicate tickets.
  • The Storefront GraphQL API integrated explorer has gotten a full overhaul with a new UI and faster load times for documentation, see /api/graphql/.
  • Storefront customer accounts now follow the store brand color settings for a more immersive customer expereince.
  • When Apps create notes over the API, the App name is now shown as the note creator in the customer or order timeline to more easily see the source of the note.
  • File type metadata objects now show with a link to the uploaded file for easier access and viewing.
  • We've fixed Maxmind warnings due to empty values passed for address fields when not present instead of null.
  • Bankcards with an expiration date that has already passed are now automatically filtered from storefront checkout flow, given they are deemed to be ineligible for new payments.
  • We've improved our address handling logic for APMs to prevent invalid addresses from being accepted through APM payment flows.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with subscription timeline gateway change event detail to track the changes correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to double-click storefront account action buttons while they were processing and cause a 500 error.
  • Fixed an issue with drag and drop image uploading into content WYSIWYG editors.